To be the largest and leading geothermal company2
Aligned to our vision to be the largest and leading geothermal company in the world, Star Energy Geothermal aims to acquire the lowest risk geothermal opportunities including both brown and green geothermal fields. Two such current prospects are in Gunung Hamiding, North Maluku Province and South Sekincau, Lampung Province, to help further mainstream renewable energy into the nation’s electrical supply. Aligned to our vision to be the largest and leading geothermal company in the world, Star Energy e the largest and leading geothermal company in the world, Star Energy Geothermal aims to acquire the lowest risk geothermal opportunities including both brown and green geothermal fields. Two such current prospects are in Gunung Hamiding, North Maluku Province and South SekincaGeothermal aims to acquire the lowest risk geothermal opportunities including both brown and green geothermal fields. Two such current prospects are in Gunung Hamiding, North Maluku Province and South Sekincau, Lampung Province, to help further mainstream renewable energy into the nation’s electrical supply.
Aligned to our vision to be the largest and leading geothermal company in the world, Star Energy Geothermal aims to acquire the lowest risk geothermal opportunities including both brown and green geothermal fields. Two such current prospects are in Gunung Hamiding, North Maluku Province and South Sekincau, Lampung Province, to help further mainstream renewable energy into the nation’s electrical supply. ned to our vision to be the largest and leading geothermal company in the world, Star Energy Geothermal aims to acquire the lowest risk geothermal opportunities including both brown and.